



  • Polyethylene glycol 4000, PEG 4000
  • 產品型號:25322-68-3-4000



PEG 4000 is a water-soluble, waxy solid that is used extensively in the several industries such as rubber, textile, paper, metal, wood, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and coating.


    Polyethylene glycol is used in gene delivery of protoplast transfection and incubation. It is used in the preparation of extraction for measuring cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) from plant tissues. It is useful to mediate DNA transformation into protoplasts derived from rice leaf sheaths.

Robertson, L. M.; Wood, C. M. Measuring gill paracellular permeability with polyethylene glycol-4000 in freely swimming trout: proof of principle. J. Exp. Biol. 2014, 217 (9), 1425-1429.
Vasa, D. M.; Dalal, N.; Katz, J. M.; Roopwani, R.; Nevrekar, A.; Patel, H.; Buckner, I. S.; Wildfong, P. L. Physical characterization of drug: polymer dispersion behavior in polyethylene glycol 4000 solid dispersions using a suite of complementary analytical techniques. J. Pharm. Sci. 2014, 103 (9), 2911-2923.
Store at Room Temp.
Hygroscopic. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents.